A drift

I would like to take pardon of my technical/idea readers and would like to use the feelings part of this blog. Here goes.

After a long long time today "Mystical Experience" made me breathless. I don't how Boyzone songs are just so perfect. I really want to spent the whole night sitting on the chair on the roof top on winter night and know I'm feeling the "Mystical Experience".

Life was many doors...


who is me?

So i started out with thinking 'who is me?' What I really want and what defines me. I think the question came from a sudden attack where all the rules, your set motos in life, your principles forbid you to do that one thing you wish to do more than anything. They prevent your heart from being free to control your mind, so much, so much, that you start to question your believes and then the question, is this really who I am and want to be? What defines me? Can I trust the things which define me...

And I looked at the one place which has always guided me, answered all my question, set all my moods- my iPod. And the first time in my life it disappointed me, it didn't allow me to venture into a zone where i wanted to be. My rebel machine, restrained me and I was shocked. I looked at my best friend in disgust and stopped it. It was then i realized my music was too constrained. For the first time in my life i felt what I thought was variety was not really true. And I played each of those varieties to realize they are all just me in different modes or in different situations.

I am standing at a crossroad which allows me to choose between what I want to do and what is safe and right. Its not that I'm saying what I want to do is wrong, just that i'm not sure if it right. It's not a road less travelled, but it's road for which i'll have to shed all my covering of my own set rules and principles. To go away from being me, to being what this sudden sparks wants me to be. For once to let go of all bonds and be naked in the track of life and make myself again. I want to step out and live a different me.

I think I've lost the self respect which I had for my own standing and I wish to use my entire experience in life to build a new me, seeing and knowing what people like me to be. To remove what I don't like about myself, without once caring if it disowns any or all of my life's principles!

I wish the morning light would shed light on the right path... Till then, i just wish to be in my dream... my own created dream.


The Capacitor Trick

We as not-so-professional engineers have a habit of not putting in the required capacitors at place. We generally ignore the safety, noise suppression capacitors in power supplies of all kinds. These don't lead to immediate failure or fault, but it hampers the life of the product. It also makes the device the unsteady and this directly hampers user experience, which is of critical importance.

Leaving that to the personal jurisdiction of my fellow engineers, I move on to tell about a good capacitor trick. There is nothing great about it, but it adds a lot of grace to the device.

It's as simple as : Attach a capacitor in parallel with any LED in the circuit which needs to blink. What does it do, you ask? Well rather than the immediate turn on and turn off, the LEDs turn on and off slow and smoothly. From zero intensity they slowly rise to full intensity turning on and similarly when turning off.

Try it in one of your upcoming projects and notice the grace it brings. Oh, by the by, adjust the capacitor value to suite your taste and blink speed requirement. The law is simple, more capacitance makes the LED take long time to turn on and off.

An example of a MacBook doing the same.


Happy New Year

Hey readers,

First and foremost a very happy and prosperous New Year to you and all your loved ones.

Delhi has taken to being very cold. The weekend felt like hibernation period, I'm in my blanket all day just sleeping and eating. No going out, it's foggy and chilly. More so, my semester starts from monday and early 8am classes are making me relax more in these last two days.

Trying to catch up with a few ideas and will post them soon. And there is reason to rejoice, of all the new year resolutions, i'll be writing at least once in a week here. :)

More soon.
